Instructor Biography
Firearm Safety Academy
Paul Ferrazzani is an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor, Shotgun Instructor, and RSO, he is also certified by the Massachusetts State Police to teach the Massachusetts approved LTC-007 and LTC-002 classes. Paul has been shooting for over 37 years, and competing in numerous action shooting competitions around the New England area and upper East Coast for the past 30 years.
He has been teaching structured firearms safety courses for over 16 years, and has lent his expertise as a firearms safety and technical consultant to the Discovery Channel’s show “Time Warp,” as well as in radio interviews for Emerson College and a video interview for Suffolk University and a documentary interview for Tufts University, and numerous interviews for newspaper and radio.
In his spare time, Paul builds and modifies firearms for competition use, and has served his community as a Sunday school teacher at his local church for the past 17 years.
"Being no bigot myself to any mode of worship, I am disposed to endulge the professors of Christianity in the church, that road to heaven which to them shall seem the most direct plainest easiest and least liable to exception."