
The Firearm Safety Academy

Gun Safety Training
The Firearm Safety Academy
Certified Training for Your Class A License to Carry (LTC) or Firearm Identification Card (FID)
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Firearm Safety Classes and Target Shooting

Certified Training for Your Class A License to Carry (LTC) or Firearm Identification Card (FID)

Our Firearm Safety Class is the National Rifle Association’s (NRA) Home Firearm Safety Course (LTC-007) and fulfills the Massachusetts State Police-approved training required to obtain the Massachusetts Class A LTC or FID. NRA’s Basic Firearm Safety (LTC-002) class is available upon request.
The Firearm Safety Academy’s (FSA) class may be longer than competitors’ classes, but we adhere to the state’s strict requirements in teaching the full curriculum of gun handling and safety; shooting air-actuated video games is not part of the curriculum. While there is no shooting component for this class, it is hands-on and interactive with real handguns; we don’t sit you in front of a video and walk away. We deliver a superior class that lives up to the investment.


Firearm Safety Academy

Massachusetts requires any individual applying for a class A LTC or FID card to pass a State Police approved safety course from a certified trainer.
This class is for anyone and everyone. If you don’t know what gun to buy for target practice, personal defense or competing then this class is for you.
Learn how to reload pistol ammunition safely. Save money by reloading and make custom loads that are tuned to your gun and your shooting needs.
Not all firearms are easy to clean. This class is designed to help the gun owner learn and understand the best possible way to clean their particular firearm.
Learn to work on your Glock. Bring your Glock to class and learn how to optimize it for your specific needs with our hands on instructional class.
Gun owners have a legal responsibility to KNOW THE LAW of self-defense and the justification for the use of force – deadly and non-deadly.